For a beer that is as renowned as the Tripel de Garre, it isn’t that known well outside of Belgian beer circles. And that’s because until recently there was only one place that you could try this beer.
I had been to Bruges at least half a dozen times before I found this bar. It is a historical three-story bar discreetly tucked away at the end of a little lane. I’d walked past the laneway many times, never noticing the entrance. You almost have to turn sideways to get into the entrance it is that inconspicuous.
But once in the bar, you are welcomed with an awesome beer menu from which to choose. But there is one reason everybody wants to find this bar and that is their house beer, to which you are restricted to no more than three!
A glorious big tripel of 11% ABV, it is worthy reward for your efforts.
It pours dark gold with a thick white foam that lasts all the way to the end of the beer. The flavour is full of sweet pale malts, and over-ripe fruits. Banana and peach most prominently, with some Belgian candi sugar and a nice spiciness from the yeast.
It is smooth, rich and absolutely delicious. I haven’t had one for many years, but I’m glad to say it is as good as I remember it.