‘Day & Dew’ is a beer De Molen make only once a year, during April so it is ready for the European spring and summer months (or weeks if it’s a bad year!)
For what is essentially a fairly uncommercial brewery (if you can say that of Ratebeer’s 6th Best Brewery in the World for 2016!), they do make a marketing effort for this beer with special tap decals, posters and table talkers aplenty. They are proud of this beer, and rightly so.
It is a really well balanced IPA featuring a fruity combination of American hops – Chinook for bittering and then dry-hopped with Amarillo, Cascade, Simcoe and Columbus. And then fresh Bergamot citrus fruit is added at the end of fermentation.
The result is a spicy tropical fruit cocktail of peach, grapefruit, orangeand pine, with a strong bergamot flavour (what gives Earl Grey tea its distinctive flavour), that adds a very slight tart/sour note to the mix.