Here we have a beer from Brasserie De La Senne that looks to recreate a traditional Belgian ale from the past.
This is a spelt saison, dry hopped and refermented in the bottle with a Brettanomyces yeast. It is rustic, unfiltered and unpasteurised, and represents what a saison would have been like around the 1920’s.
First thing of note for me is the Brett. I love that smell of funk, fruit, leather and wood. It is just a little fruity, with hints of peach and pineapple.
To taste it is crisp and light, with the carbonation bubbles dancing across your tastebuds. The malt body is grainy, with the spelt giving a certain nutty earthiness to the body. More of those Bretty characteristics with the early fruit just enough to invite you in. Then the yeasty funk takes hold and combines with the hops to really dry things out with a real bitterness.
Every few sips the flavour would seem to change a little; a few times I tasted a little woody smoke note, but it would then disappear for a bit.
Its an interesting beer, and I love it when breweries re-create old styles to give us a glimpse (or at least their interpretation) of what beers used to be.
Alvinne's saison is light, crisp, quite funky with a hint of sour thanks to blending a little of the Omega blond sour beer
This classic Belgian Saison was the first beer produced commercially by Brasserie Atrium
The new beer from the good 'Dochter' is a dry-hopped saison with bitter orange
A spelt saison brewed in collaboration with Hill Farmstead
A simple but funky and interesting saison, with two old style hops for a fruity, dry and spicy character
A collaborative Saison featuring rye, spelt and wheat malts, dry-hopped with a Ukranian hop called Zachrava
An attempt at recreating a traditional 19th-Century saison, heavily hopped and mixed with lambic then barrel aged
A classic Belgian style saison, with a twist - dry-hopped with Cascade & Amarillo
A saison with winter-type spices added including timut and szechuan peppers, mustard seeds and juniper
by Brouwerij Emelisse/Slot-Oostende
A hazy golden saison - crisp, citrusy, earthy and dry
A traditional Belgian saison, dry and funky, grainy malt and a solid bitterness
by Brasserie de Jandrain-Jandrenouille
A traditionally styled saison brewed with just the four ingredients as such beers were in the past
'Tess' is a White White Saison - a farmhouse ale fermented on Pinot Grigio white wine barrels and hopped with Hallertau Blanc hops
A very tasty little saison - or Grisette - from London's Partizan Brewing
A refreshingly crisp and dry farmhouse ale with addition rhubarb and ginger
A collaboration between De Molen and Beavertown (UK) sees a beery take on the traditional Gin & Tonic
A classic Belgian saison from Brouwerij De Ranke - hoppy and floral with a dry finish.
An earthy Wallonian saison from one of Europe's last remaining steam breweries
So good it was recently included in USA Draft's '25 Best Beers of the Year'.
The classic farmhouse ale, and benchmark that re-popularised the saison style of beer.
A special annual vintage version of Dupont's classic saison
A very traditional style saison, with a recipe dating back to 1884
A very traditional style saison that offers a glimpse of past beer styles
A black India saison isn't something you see everyday from a Belgian brewer
A tasty, fairly traditional saison with lots of loverly earthy character and a little funk
A unique combination of Saison and White Beer produces a refreshing blonde ale with a nice bite.
White Pony have created what they call a Pacific Saison Ale, featuring hops from Australia (Summer) and NZ (Wakatu)
The 2014 vintage of De La Senne's commemorative brew - a ripper Belgian Pale Ale
De La Senne's once-a-year birthday celebratory pale ale, this time using an experimental hop from Slovenia
A Black IPA from Brasserie De La Senne - lots of roasted malts and earthy hop flavours
A Belgian ale 100% fermented with a Brussels Brettanomyces yeast, conditioned for 4 months in the bottle before release
A dry-hopped Strong Golden Ale from De La Sense
This is a mixed fermentation ale aged in oak barrels for one year
This beer is known as the most bitter Tripel style beer in all of Belgium!
A collaborative Saison featuring rye, spelt and wheat malts, dry-hopped with a Ukranian hop called Zachrava
The first beer in the trilogy of collaborations to celebrate 20 years of Zinnebir
An attempt at recreating a traditional 19th-Century saison, heavily hopped and mixed with lambic then barrel aged
The second beer in the 'Zinnebir' celebration/collaboration series
A Christmas beer that is lighter, drier and hoppier than a standard winter seasonal
A malty blond ale with a pleasant peppery bite from only the second brewery in Brussels