by Browar Pinta
This beer from Browar Pinta is one from their seasonal range, brewed in the cold months at the end of last year. The name translates as ‘Black Hole’ – a fitting name for this dark lager, a style also known as a Schwarzbier.
Schwarzbier originated in Germany and has been around since medieval times. First documented in 1390 was a beer called Braunschweiger Mumme (‘Brunswick Mum’) brewed in the town of Braunschweig (‘Brunswick’) in the Lower Saxony region. The style also had a strong history in the Thuringia state in central Germany.
Nowadways it is a common style to see in many breweries around the world, though Germany and Czech Republic would be the most common.
Our beer is dark brown in colour with a beige head. The aroma is of roasted malt and dark chocolate. These two flavours also dominate the taste.
Slightly sweet on the front palate, you’ll get some dark chocolate and a little caramel. This is balanced out by the roasted malt astringency combined with an earthy hop character giving that pleasant bitterness from mid to back-palate.
by Browar Pinta
Pinta's first ever beer was this American style IPA named 'Hops Attack'